Tours Temuco

Tours en Temuco  

Nuestros servicios de tours en Temuco, transporte del aeropuerto Temuco, arriendo de vehículos, alojamiento y tours Temuco Pucón, Conguillio, Icalma, Melipeuco, Lago Budi y Puerto Saavedra. Reserva de la Biosfera Huilo Huilo junto con Valdivia, Termas Geométricas , Región de los Lagos, Chiloe, Carretera Austral y Torres del Paine.

Tours Temuco Villarrica Pucón

Salida con destino a Villarrica donde visitaremos su costanera y continuamos bordeando la ribera occidental del Lago Villarrica y visitar la ciudad de Pucón, capital turística de la Araucanía, visitaremos Lago Caburgua y Ojos del Caburgua.

Tours Temuco visita Temuco

Visitaremos La Reserva Nacional Cerro Ñielol con su mirador, Museo Nacional  Ferroviario Pablo Neruda, la tradicional Feria Pinto,  Plaza de Armas, salón cultural Pabellón Alma de Chile. barrios residenciales y Museo Regional de la Araucanía.

Tour Temuco Parque Nacional Conguillio

Tour Temuco Conguillio

Tour Temuco Parque Nacional Conguillio

Salida hacia Cunco y Melipeuco para visitar Parador Turístico y continuar hasta el Parque Nacional Conguillio, reserva mundial de la biosfera, Visitaremos Laguna Verde, Laguna Arcoiris,Trekking a la Sierra Nevada con impresionantes vistas del Lago Conguillio y Volcán Llaima, este sendero se encuentra rodeado de milenarios árboles de Araucaria, Opcional Tour Laguna Icalma y Volcán Batea Mahuida.

Tour Lago Budi Lago Budi

09:00 am Salida hacia la costa del Oceano Pacífico, visitaremos Carahue, Rio Imperial, Nehuentue, Humedal Monkul (Ramsar), Puerto Saavedra, Puerto Dominguez, visita a Ruca (vivienda típica mapuche) y Lago Budi cuya particularidad consiste en ser una de los pocos lagos salados de Sudamérica.  Opción para degustar alimentos ancestrales y conocer la cosmología del pueblo originario de Chile. Posibilidades de avistamiento de aves. Retorno 17:30 hrs.

Tours Temuco Huilo Huilo

Por la mañana, salida con destino a Lago Panguipulli hasta Neltume para ingresar a la reserva de la Biosfera Huilo Huilo visitando, Salto de Huilo Huilo, Salto la Leona, Museo los Volcanes, Granja de Animales y Puerto Fuy en Lago Pirihueico. Hoteles Fungi y Montaña Mágica.

También proporcionamos tours a Valdivia, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Isla Chiloe, Carretera Austral, El Chalten, Glaciar Perito Moreno  y Parque Nacional Torres del Paine.

Contact us to organize your tours in southern Chile. We are specialist in southern Chile and Patagonia,[:en]

Tours in Temuco

The Araucanía Region have experienced a huge touristic development due to its cultural heritage, fantastic landscape with multiple volcanoes, incredible lakes and unique forests . That’s why we offer you our services . We provide tours, car rental and transfers in Araucania, Lake District, Carretera Austral and all Patagonia.

Tour Villarrica Pucón

Morning departure from your hotel through the panamerican highway to Freire and then Continue to Villarrica city located by the  homonim lake which experienced a huge touristic development in the last decade.  The journey continues to Pucòn city located at the base of Villarrica Volcano. We continue by the slopes of the volcano to the have a gorgeous views of the area and then continue to Ojos and lake Caburgua. City tour in Pucón and back to Temuco.-

Tour Parque Nacional Conguillio

9 am Departs from Temuco to Cunco and Melipeuco to visit Parador Turistico and continue to  Conguillio National Park. World biosphere reserve visiting beautiful Laguna Verde, Trail Truful Truful, spectacular Laguna Arco iris (Rainbow Lagoon), trekking on trail Sierra Nevada which is surrounded by Araucarias (millenary trees) and magnificent views to Volcán Llaima, Lake Conguillio and back to Temuco.

Please notice that If you have time for 2 or 3 days in the area we can organize a tour Temuco / Pucón / Icalma and Conguillio with overnights.

Tour Lake Budi

Depart from Temuco to Pacific Ocean visit Nueva Imperial, Carahue and Puerto Dominguez, visit a Ruca ( typical Mapuche dwelling) and Mapuche Communities who resides permanently on Lake Budi which is one of the few Salty Lakes in South America. Here we will enjoy the ancestral food and get to know the cosmology of chile´s early inhabitants . Also bird watching options.

Tours Huilo Huilo

Morning transportation throughout Panamerican highway and continue from Lake Panguipulli to Neltume and enter into the Biological Reserve Huilo Huilo to visit Huilo Huilo and La Leona Waterfalls, Lake Pirihueico, Puerto Fuy, Los Volcanes Museum, Mammals Farm, Fungi and Sacred Mountain hotels.

From Temuco we provide tours to Huilo Huilo reserve, Conguillio National Park, Valdivia, Puerto Varas,  Puerto Montt, Chiloe Island, Carretera Austral, El Chalten, Perito Moreno Glacier and Torres del Paine National Park.

We provide City Tours and bike tours in Temuco. Also tours in Pucón, Valdivia, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Chiloé Island and Carretera Austral.

Transfer Temuco Pucon and transfer Pucon Temuco.

You can also rent a car in Temuco with us.

Please contact us to arrange your tours and transportation in north, central or southern Patagonia.[:]